A Working Mother and a Pandemic

On Mother’s Day this year, I woke up to find my sleep-deprived face with my uneven foundation and slightly askew eyebrows staring back at me. I’d already had a heavy heart: due to COVID-19, I couldn’t celebrate my first with the mothers in our lives. But then the post on the hospital’s social media channels…

You’re Failing As a Parent: A Prenatal Class Gone Horribly Wrong

In September, just as I’d started the third trimester, I thought it would be a good idea to sign us up for a prenatal course. Our familiarity with babies, up until that point, was non-existent. I didn’t even know how to hold one properly! I mean, I know all about childhood infections and how to…

Expecting Raneem: A Pregnancy Summarized

I remember how hot and heavy my tears felt as they rolled down my cheeks on a Wednesday night in April. Ahmad held me in his arms as I sobbed and sobbed, asking him, asking the universe, “So what does this mean? What do we do now?” He continued to hold me and comfort me…

Afternoons With Teta

She reaches into the cabinet behind her and pulls out two wafer bars, one for me and one for my sister. “There you go,” she says with a smile. “Thank you teta,” we reply in unison. “But teta, you know I’m trying to watch my snacking,” I add. “Never mind, keep it. You’ll have something…

On Grieving

Mourning sucks- but not because you’ve lost a loved one. It’s what comes after that is infinitely more difficult. That damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation you find yourself in. Two weeks ago, a dear uncle of mine passed away after a year long battle with cancer. From his diagnosis to his death,…

Ready Or Not

Getting married has clearly given those surrounding me a free pass to invade my privacy. And nothing is more obvious then how I’ve been on bump watch since I tied the knot. A protruding stomach following a heavy meal, a more loose shirt because I feel hot and sticky especially in this weather, and even…

Cooking Differently

Last week, Ahmad returned from his parents’ home armed with enough shish barak and vermicelli rice to feed a family of four over a few days. He was also visibly upset. The dish of meat stuffed dumplings cooked in goat yoghurt is one of our favorites but it takes almost forever to get done- much…

Adventures in Turkish Coffee Making

In our household we could run out of oil, rice, or meat, but we will never run out of coffee. It is such a staple that we have bought it in several different forms and have at least three devices to producing the drink in varieties that would rival your local coffee shop.It would be hard…

Marriage So Far

The past few weeks have been full of milestones for Ahmad and I, most notably that we have been together for three years and married for six months. And even though I am still struck by disbelief by how fast time has gone and how much we have done together, I have to say that…

Mothers’ Day (As a Married and Childless Woman)

I will be the first to tell you that I love celebrating mothers’ day. My mother is an incredible woman who I look up to and will always be my best friend. And in the past few years, I have been blessed to also celebrate the day with my mother in law, who not only…